Frequently asked questions

What is a 36-bit Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI-36)?

The OUI-36 is a registry activity name, which was replaced by the MA-S registry product name as of January 1, 2014. It includes both a unique 36-bit number used in some standards and the assignment of a block of EUI-48 and EUI-64 identifiers by the IEEE Registration Authority. The owner of a previously assigned OUI-36 registry product may continue to use the assignment.

What is a 36-bit Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI-36)?

Currently, the OUI-36 only refers to a 36-bit unique number used in some standards. The OUI-36 of the MA-S assignment may be appended with 12 organization-supplied bits to form an EUI-48, or with 28 organization-supplied bits to form an EUI-64 (the identifier blocks assigned with an MA-S). Applications using an MA-S should make no assumptions about the bit pattern present in the (24-bit most-significant) OUI portion of the assigned OUI-36.

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