MAC address vendors database in XML format

Permanent URL

Please note that in the FREE version the main fields have been redacted.
For the complete database, please use the request form.

Output sample

    <companyName>Cisco Systems, Inc</companyName>
    <companyAddress>80 West Tasman Drive San Jose CA 94568</companyAddress>

Field descriptions

oui Organization Unique Identifier
isPrivate For an extra fee to IEEE, vendors can hide their details. In this case, this flag is set to 'true' and companyName, companyAddress and countryCode are 'private'.
companyName Name of the company which registered the MAC addresses block.
companyAddress Company's full address.
countryCode Company's country code in ISO 3166 format.
assignmentBlockSize Assignment block size, one of the following:
  • 'MA-L' for MAC Address Block Large
  • 'MA-M' for MAC Address Block Medium
  • 'MA-S' for MAC Address Block Small
  • 'IAB' for Individual Address Block
dateCreated Date when the range was allocated, in YYYY-MM-DD format. Is available for ranges registered after 27 June, 2018.
dateUpdated Date when the range was last updated, in YYYY-MM-DD format. Is available for ranges registered after 27 June, 2018.

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Download an exhaustive MAC Address Vendor Database for your educational, business or enterprise needs.

Our database comes in the following forms: JSON, CSV, XML, Cisco vendorMacs.xml for maximum compatibility and fast integration into existing systems. The API version is also available.

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